Thursday, March 25, 2021

Ohana Double Page Spread (RD)

Double Page Spread

This sketch of a two page spread showcases a possible layout for my double page feature story. I sketched this from my research with double page and learned how important it is to layout the wording so that readers will have an easy flowing path to follow. My version of a flow content spread will sure provide an easy to read story.

Once I got my sketch I went to Canva to begin my draft process.

This draft was actually quite nice and I thought that I would utilize it for my final draft.
I liked how the attire of the models not only fulfilled the request of my questionnaire but
also correlated with the rest of the pages. So, as I went back to my research before I finally
decided to choose this as my final I realized that other elements were missing that would
enhance the realism of this page.

This is what I missed: Another section besides the actual story, a separate section for other content, shapes and items that bring forth dynamic, the size of my font and the
layout of my paragraph.

After my attempt, the following product was created.
I believe I was able to layout things better. Although I didn't follow all the elements of my draft sketch like add a picture at the top ,because I had more content than I thought, I added the images on the sides so that I could add those elements that would bring realism. I also decreased the color of the background and added more content besides the story itself so that I provide more information and explanation about the affects of parenting. 


After examining my writing for the last time, I realized that I had the same information twice so I cleaned that up and enhanced my "THE UPBRINGING" section more so that I could discuss my magazines purpose clearer and everything was complete. I am overjoyed about the outcome and did my very best to depict a real magazine double page spread while adding my own style!

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Reflection of "The Deep End"

 Reflection - Feature Story

Plan - The plan that I had for my feature story would involve someone who has experience a significant element within their childhood. This personal experience would tie into their upbringing and how they were raised. I did not have an ideal person in mind but  did have an ideal story, thankfully I was able to received that in a different fashion than I expected which came out better than my original idea. I began with a few directed open -ended questions that would cause for more elaboration. ( I also knew I had to construct questions as I continued to conversate with my interviewee)

Process - Being that a global pandemic is taking place I have to work with the conditions that I am in. This meant that my interview took place during a facetime call. I scheduled a facetime on an available day and time for the both of us and had pre-planned questions (That can be found in another blog) prepared for this interview. Destiny Felton was the person that I interviewed and she was fully pre-pared , without being prepared, for the questions. The responses given were far more that I expected and I am glad that I was able to gain them. As Destiny answered questions, I typed in a separate word document her responses as quickly as I could while constructing further questions that I figured would be best to elaborate on based on her previous response. 

Outcome -  The outcome came out very well. I was able to not only include both personal aspects about her as a child growing up with a mother and cautious and worrisome tendencies but utilize a cool, comical yet traumatizing story to tell it. Personally, the final result is clearly written and tells a story that illustrates mother and daughter behaviors that impact a child upbringing. 

If I had to change anything about my feature story I would probably include how this effected Destiny child hood more. I believe I slightly touched on it but should have went a little more in depth being that my magazine is based on the effect of upbringing. Nonetheless, I was able to capture her mothers reaction which adds to a child upbringing because Destiny mother plays a significant role in her life. I think that I was also able to capture the effect of her upbringing based on the reaction to the accident within the story. I don't think I missed the target but I could have gotten closer to the target. 

Feature Story Interview Questions - "The Deep End"

 Feature Story Interview Questions 

The following are questions and responses that led towards the Feature story with Destiny Felton. The direction of my questions were mainly about her childhood and upbringing. (Responses are unedited.)

1.   How do you feel about your childhood? 3 words and why

  • -        Entertaining – parties all the time, celebration and know how to have fun
  • -        Loving – always have your back, rank on each other, don’t let nobody talk bad about each other
  • -        Motivational – pushing you to do better even if it hurts your feelings.

2.  How do you feel about being a twin?

  • -        Lot different because he’s a boy
  • -        Conversations would be different if he was a girl
  • -        Haven’t been without each other for a week
  • -        Friends are around the same
  • -        Doing girly things
  • -        Lefties vs rights

3.  Change one thing from how your parents raised you what would you change?

  • -        The approach from situations
  • -        Tone, and Approach to situations 

4.  What would you keep from your parents?

  • -        Traveling
  • -         Being motivated
  • -        Strict
  • -        More open and not one sided

5. The difference in upbringing?

  • -        More conservative
  • -        Middle school more reserved
  • -        Different principles than friends and family’s upbringing
  • -        How that effect the child? = stunted growth and very secretive, little reckless

6.  How has your parents career affected your future career?

-        "Since I was young, I was admired by the effort my parents put in my career. But with I knew that wasn’t the path I wanted to follow.  do for the rest of my life following. So, they have expose me to running a business and working under someone else.  I’ve furthered my research and seeing what was my best fit." - Destiny Felton


  • -        Future: Economics/ Business/ aesthetician = ‘After achieving my economics degree which will not only allow me to know the ins and outs of knowing business and where the money is going. I wish to open my own skin spa and create a bran that allows people to love their self in their skin cosmetic changes and loving if you are love yourself for who you are and having a place where girls and men and love their self and their skin care and love yourself from the outside looking in – self love retreat. Investment properties”
  • -        Fun fact: Challenges yourself and tackling to do list, open for improvement loving to travel
  • -        Hobby:  hanging with friends, and cooking / baking
  • -        Most memorable childhood: summer in Georgia I treated grandma to manicure and went to pedicure $91.00 wasn’t mentally prepared – spent trip money in one day. (14 yrs. old)
  • -        Stitches (9 yrs old) free dive pool and then went to free play and destiny had a hold in the chin and ask my mom for Pringles so she could see the hold.

"The Deep End" Feature Story - Part 3 (RD)

Rough Draft Feature Story

This feature story is both narrative and descriptive when composing this story, I interviewed a friend of mine who In believed fit with the direction of my magazine - one set of twin siblings. The home life she had was quote interesting so communicating with her via facetime was interesting for my magazine. 

"The Deep End"

"A free dive that age was sure to cause trouble but that wouldn’t stop the cannon ball from happening. The anticipation, the increase in acceleration and the lifting of toes off the edge of the concrete was all that raced through her mind. The landing of this careless move was not the expected splash of cold chlorine but an intense loss of awareness that resulted in a sudden planting of her face and the bottom of the pool floor. Destiny Felton left that perfect summer day for a visit to the ER after receiving a busted chin instead of the applause for her grand diving performance.

Felton decided to visit some family in Atlanta, Georgia one summer to reunited with some loved ones. This event led to a warm pool day with some cousins that resulted in a tragic case of medical assistance. Felton remembers this story as a childhood event that brings laughter and embarrassment each time it comes up in conversation.

 “I had no idea there was a hole in my chin until I rose from the water and my family saw blood and asked if I were okay. I was so hesitant to tell my mom because I knew she would freak but I told her anyways. “

Felton’s efforts at 9 years old to hid this from her guardian not only portrayed the anxiety she felt exposing such sensitive information but how in her mind the situation was already handled and needed no further investigation. Felton shows her mother the issue at hand but not how you probably expected. See, it was not a “mom look at my busted chin” but more so “hey mom can I get that pringles can, I am a little hungry.” As Felton elevated her head in an attempt to show her mother the injury, a cry of anger and concern fled from Felton’s mom and soon after she found herself being dragged into the car. Felton knew this would happen, but everything was just a surprise to her as it was to her mother.

 “My mother knows I hated going to the ER. With her being a nurse, I thought it could be a simple repair that a band aid and Neosporin could not do, clearly I was mistaken.”

The ER visit was anything less than enjoyable. At only 9 years old Felton had to receive “uncomfortable and painful” stiches to close the opening of her chin. Cutting her summer vacation festivities short she was disappointed that she couldn’t hid her injury as well as she hid her pain.

 “Looking back on this day, I think I was more scared to tell my mom than I was to receive stiches. I knew stitches would hurt but I never wanted to receive the wrath of my mom because she can be quite dramatic sometimes. I learned my lesson from that trip though, never cannon ball around your cousins from Georgia. "

Monday, March 22, 2021

Research - Costume/Props

 Props & Costumes


Props are crucial with story telling, it allows readers to envision the cultural dynamics or time-frame in which the image is displayed. Props are also a great way for the model to feel more in-tune with their character, if one is being played. 

The props within this photo include the gloved hands and the razor or un-identified objected placed on the models face. These dynamics along with the other mise-en-scene elements create a complete image that tells the story the photographer wished to be told.


Similar to props, costumes allow models to feel in-tune with their character. Costumes for magazines are different than the typical one utilized for a role in a film. Costume can simply be a casual outfit, or a monochrome aesthetic to capture the area in which the picture will be placed throughout the magazine. Costumes can also be in the form of makeup as a model discovers a character to portray and sell. 

This costume was added to allow the model to feel more in-tune with her future career path. Although she is not currently in her field, she has achieved steps that allow her future career to be closer to her than others. This costume purpose could be motivation. 

Ohana Sketch Layout- Production shot layout (RD)

Production shot layout

    Working with a toddler only allowed my shot layout to be more of a spontaneous event rather than extremely structured. I did plan however an indoor and outdoor shot where I would implement playful activity with each - of course with changes of scenery. The first was indoors, I wanted the focus of this shot to be of joy and play from the model; Very natural and realistic nothing to structured except for the placement in which the toys would be in the shot. The outdoor shots were located in house yards and I intended to showcase freedom, youth, and excitement each of which a child delivered without instruction.

Ohana Magazine - Camera Shots

 Camera Shots

The following are a few raw, unedited camera shots taken on a production day. Although I have yet to decided on which one I would be utilizing, after editing I should have an answer. These shots best portray freedom of youth which is why they were selected for this portion of my magazine. 

Ohana Table of contents Editing


The following images are edits made before the final project of my table of contents page. Canva is the website mostly utilized during this magazine.

Items that were changed since 1st draft:

  1. Images
  2. Amount of pictures 
  3. Text/Font
  4. The editing of the actual images
  5. Colors
  6. Layout
The colors in which I planned to utilize for the background was the second color of the second column because it was a subtle color that wouldn't take away too much from the new images placed since my 1st draft.

The adjustments are as follows: enhanced the color quality (tint), the surrounding darkness to focus on the main image (vignette), the un-clarity of the image (blur), lighting of the image (brightness), the darkness of the image as well as the details of the image (saturation), and the quality of the image (contrast).

These filters allowed me to bring a color pop to the images and enhance them from the dull gray scale color that resonated over them. The model skin tone, clothing, and background were all enhance with color from this modification.

Realizations - The edits that were made to this table of contents were still not enough to bring forth the realism I desired. So, I utilized my findings from the cover page transformation for my new format of table of contents. I would not be able to use image as content anymore because I failed to find the niche that would work for me with that style of table of contents. I want my magazine o look real and if it did not look real because of my chosen style then I would need to replace it.  

I utilized this magazine because it would guide me towards a clear yet informational style of table of contents. As I produced my personal magazine I made sure to include elements that I liked and rejected the ones I didn't like to ensure that my magazine would be realistic, appealing and follow the audience desires. 

|Below are the drafts of my 3rd attempt at Table of Contents|
Attempt #1
Attempt #2
Attempt #1 was simply me trying to find a template that would look the most realistic. I found a template on Canva that mimicked the reference photo. Once I found that template, I was able to edit it as the reference and utilize my skills and background knowledge of color schemes and themes to construct my attempt #2. Afterwards I made a few modifications to make elements more vibrant, realistic, and appealing. - This will be found in my final project.

Ohana Sketch Layout - Table of Contents (RD)

  Table of Contents 

    The layout in which I chose for the table of content was "Image as content" which is the order of the magazine displayed through images. I chose this method of table of contents simply because I like the form of it, and find it more intriguing and playful which is a characteristic towards my magazine. Also working with a toddler allowed me to receive a mass amount of images ,so I am speaking honestly when I say that, I will not allow those images to go vain and will find a way to utilize it. Being as expressive with my production as I can be while correlating it to my content is a good fit for "Image as content" table of contents.

The Sketch appeared to me as simple to design once I were to go to Canva and design it. However once I began, I realized how difficult it would be to design it like the "Image as content" table of contents. This 1st attempt came out extremely disoriented and did not follow the path that I was going with. From this process, I have learned that I need to decrease the width of the image, change the background, align my page and subheadings, and find better images than what I've chosen.

Reference Picture

This was my attempt at a "Image as Content" table of content. I believe that this doesn't depict the best layout of a table of contents and looks more like a book rather that a magazine. Therefore, I must make alternations that would keep the "Image as content" alive but format it differently so that a content page can actually be seen.