Monday, January 18, 2021

Questionnaire Results


The following questions were administered through social media platforms and personal group messages to receive raw and detailed responses from individuals who were blinded by the real concept behind my magazine topic. There were a total of 10 questions asked, 2 of which were long responses and each relating to my magazine topic which is about the effect of diverse families. Here are the results of the google forms questionnaire about my magazine: 

Forms response chart. Question title: What aesthetic should my magazine consist of ?. Number of responses: 21 responses.

Forms response chart. Question title: If you could rate your families style what would it be?. Number of responses: 21 responses.

Forms response chart. Question title: What position do you play in your household?. Number of responses: 21 responses.

Forms response chart. Question title: Which strategy would be most effective to receive information?. Number of responses: 21 responses.

Forms response chart. Question title: What type of images would you like to see from my magazine?. Number of responses: 21 responses.

Forms response chart. Question title: What is your living situation like?. Number of responses: 21 responses.

Forms response chart. Question title: What writing style do you prefer for this magazine?. Number of responses: 21 responses.

Forms response chart. Question title: Which magazine title is best?. Number of responses: 21 responses.

Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Research - Magazine Intel

   Magazine Intel 

     Family magazines and Parent magazines are similar in their content and who they utilize to promote their content although they are different in their approach to that content. The content of the different magazine genres are not as different as people may present them to be. "Family Fun" and "Family Circle" are two well know family magazine publication but PARENTS magazine is read more than the previous two because of who is on the cover of their page. 

Below are a few celebrities that are featured in parents/family magazines: 

  • Ayesha curry - Chef, NBA Wife 
  • Kelly Rowland - American R&B Singer
  • Savannah Guthrie- Journalist 
  • Kourtney Kardashian - Model

How much do PARENT magazines get paid?

    The publication is looking for experienced writers to submit their work. The exact pay of writers aren't published but a reported state of 0.23 - 1.87 per word is the estimated amount and 500 words are usually on 1 page. 

Why are celebrities on PARENTS magazines?

    Celebrity parents are used to being in front the camera and being an eye opener. Magazines utilize them especially parent and family magazines because it shows a softer more vulnerable side to them the if they were active in their career field. Family magazines rarely place celebrities as their main image unless that celebrity is highly known for that story.  

Below are a few celebrities that are featured on PARENTS (family) magazine

Kelly Rowland 
Ayesha Curry 

Savannah Guthrie

Kourtney Kardashian 
Source - google search of parenting magazines

Research - Double Page Spread


    Double page spreads can be defined as a two page article of content based on one or more stories. Two page spreads can be utilized for magazines, stories, and more. Two page spreads can contain many different forms and formats that will best cater to that specific story or magazine theme.  Double page spreads are not just a part of a magazine but is a vital blueprint for the content itself. 
This is an example of a flow content spread. The set up of this page allows readers
to understand what there reading because the information flows well and presents big images with a big bold headline to capture below them. 

This is an example of a mirror two page spread. Mirrored spreads are similar 
in designs but different in content. This is a common format being that 
content is organized which makes words easier to read. 

    Although above are examples of what two page spreads should resemble there are other spread formats that aren't as effect which causes for a poorly formatted magazine.

This is an example of a poorly formatted double page spread because the content is not structured easily for readers to understand. Readers can begin at the top of the page when the story begins at the bottom. 

Source - 


Research - Masthead


    Mastheads are magazine or newspaper information that are seen ,mostly, in the inside cover of an editorial. This specific information can be found in each issue which allows readers to be informed of the publication and where it is published. Masthead also serves as a nameplate that solidifies the company behind the issue.

"Allure" is the masthead of this magazine
"Billboard" is a masthead of this magazine
    Source - 

In Publishing, what is a Masthead? (with pictures) (

Research - Table of Contents

Table of Contents

    Table of contents pages is important for readers to easily access their desired feature store. The design and functionality of a table of contents page is one that includes page numbers, a clear design, and eligible content. The APA style format is one that is utilized for projects and documents because it's clear and clean in style. But magazines usually try to be more creative and go beyond the “rules” of creativity. There are 4 main concepts utilized by magazine publishers to enhance their table of content pages: 

1. Utilizing colors us a design personality that shows great creative freedom and insight into the magazines house style.

2. Utilizing different fonts and formats are also great when dealing with the table of contents. It provides a unique and appealing take on the traditional style plus it provides magazine character. 
3. Image as content, these are typically seen in cookbooks or art magazines to showcase more of what is to come in the following pages - example products.

4. Aligning contents is a type of table of contents design that features big font titles with images to correspond to them. The design of table of contents usually doesn't have numbers but the order in which they are laid out is the way they are found in the magazine.
Source - google search of table of contents

Research - Cover Page

     Cover Page 

    Magazine covers are a vital section of the magazine that are taken into great consideration and serve several purposes. Besides selling a brand, providing insight into the magazine top or main story, providing visually attraction to appeal customers it also presents a publication with content and character making cover pages are one of the most important pages of a magazine. The process of a magazine is one that takes time, dedication, and thought. Designers spend a majority of their time creating a concept that can be socially acceptable while still keeping the company's morals alive and active. Depending on the popularity of the brand, magazine company's will hire a magazine cover designer; Ranging from a week to a few weeks, monthly magazines take time to design. Ideas are thrown around, proposed, and tested but it isn't until one of those cover pages receive an advancement that the others didn't. 

    Cover page are similar to an appetizer at a restaurant, the are a sample into what the entrĂ©e will consist of not as filling but provides a kickstart that does not leave you as hungry. Cover pages consists of many different parts, a masthead, feature stories, selling line, dateline, main image, cover line, main cover line and bar coding; These components are seen on a variety of magazine covers but some other components could be added or subtracted from this list.

There are 4 main categories for a magazine:

1.Image based - Image based magazines are magazines that consist of a person (s) with close camera shot someone looking at the camera or off to the side to present a more unique magazine. This image based cover page is usually celebrity models smiling or doing a joyful activity because people appeal to celebrities and there "natural aura". Its as if readers see celebrities as regular individuals rather than by their social status.

2. Illustration base - 20th century drawn illustrations are the only way of cover page creations since the beginning of magazine designs. A well known illustration based magazine is "The New Yorker" which has not changed it's inception since 1925. The illustrations used then (1920's) were real life stories that were utilized while the illustrations used today (2020) are seen as an aesthetic or to present a funny story or even a unique approach to a simple story. 

3. Type based - Typed based magazines present words as the cover page rather than an actual image. There is actually something much more significant about words than an image that draws people in to gain more insight into that magazine especially if the text is attractive. These magazines aren't as common but they still exists and creates a refreshing yet to the point concept. 

4. "Concept" based - Concept based covers are covers that can be instantly confusing for readers because the images concept won't be completely presented until the magazine has been read. Concept based magazines are seen as such because the image utilized is opposing to the magazine company theme or feature stories. The image can be a flower, a coin, or even food that brings an eerie and deep meaning. Although concept magazines are not as common as a image based magazine, there significance is great and readers are more interested to dive deeper into the image relevance.

Source -,and%20recognizable%20to%20regular%20readers.

Ohana Page layout plan/Shot plan (RD)

     Layout plan

    The first rough draft was before I had a clear complete thought of what I truly wanted my cover page to look like. I knew that I wanted my magazine to appear in 3D but not exactly how I would structure the other information that belongs on a cover page such as my masthead, feature stories, main title and etc. I placed my family pictures that I titled "3D portrait" and "behind the scenes portrait". I could not decide which image I wanted to go with, I just knew that I wanted my cover page / image to be unique and expressive. If I had to choose which cover page I would choose the behind the scenes image because I wanted to display what the realities of families. 

The second draft displays the 3D inspiration that I planned on utilizing if I went with that concept but after deliberating I think the behind the scenes image would be the most effective for me.

Research - House Style

 House Style

    House style is the usage and editing of conventions by writers and editors that serves the purpose of ensuring the consistency of theme, style, and concept within that specific magazine publication. House styles correlate to magazine cover pages because each takes time  to not only create an image but make sure that image correlates to the house style. House style guides are known as style sheets and act as a blueprint that provides regulations on matters like abbreviations, capital letters, numbers, date formats, citations, spelling, and terms. House style is important to a magazine's authenticity because it allows the magazine to remain authentic and not go off the rails of other publications ideas or themes.

Source - Conventions of Editing House Style (

Research - Representation of Families

 Race and Gender 

A male celebrity as a magazine cover with children showcase that not all fathers, especially those of color , are avoiding their life responsibilities. It can be found that men are typically on magazines as symbols or pieces of a human rather than an entire individual. Men have a history of being featured in “Playboy”, “Sexiest Man Alive” and music magazines that have subheadings that insinuate a sensual mood or showcase their talents. However, shifting focus to showcase men as an authoritative figure can remove that stigma from men on magazine covers. Having a background knowledge about the individual on the cover can spruce up the stories mentioned being that you know about their career life but now you’ll receive more information about their personal life. Stephen Curry is the face of parents magazine in the following example, he is known for being Point guard for the Golden State Warriors but from this image we can clearly examine his activity as a father. Being that Stephen Curry is a NBA player and a father of two toddlers, his feature story will hold more significance rather than him being a “standard” male. Furthermore, another additive towards this magazine is the role of genders. Being that he has two daughters it can be found that he can be seen as even more favored because of the stereotype that “daughters gravitate towards their dad.” Viewers appreciate men with their daughter since it releases a less masculinity side that won’t be seen if a son were involved. Like I mentioned earlier, race plays a factor within choosing models in a family magazine because African American men , men of color, have a history of leaving their families for a life they would rather live. This is why it was important to feature someone who not only holds significance as a father but holds significance as a man of color balancing all of life's responsibilities.

A family of four or more are most eye catching in family magazines. This structure demonstrates unity which is what most look for in  family based content.. Oftentimes, families are broken up and living situations can be difficult but providing images and stories of families who are still together provides a sense of hope and inspiration for those who haven't experienced that. This image includes a heterosexual couple with their 3 almost 4 children. Different from a magazine of a single father or mother, married couples can look at cover pages like these and be remembered of the importance of being together for the sake of their family. On the contrary, magazines like these could also be considered false advertisements to those parents who raise their children on their own. Magazines like these are seen as unrealistic because not couple who has children together always last to create an image like the one above.

Cover pages cater to the different situations of parenting, magazines provide a wide range of possibilities when it comes to children and their parents. Similar to a “dad and daughter” image, “mom and son” images are ideal for single parent individuals.  A mother and son bond has evolved for years into a well-known stigma that has not been shaken. The effect of this image can be many things such as women empowerment by raising her son, cooking ,as women are known for contributing to within a household, and even being active because their relationship appears to be full of activities which can also be seen in the subheadings. By not utilizing a celebrity model, the content of the magazine can be attended to more as well as utilized in future publications. Additionally, a family who is not colored plays a role in the representation of the magazine. This representation delivers an atypical effect being that Caucasian couples are more likely to remain together than other races so despite the circumstances Caucasian women can still be involved and as either family despite not having a husband. Race is a form of demographic which can ,mostly, be identified through the cover page. The demographic of this magazine appears to be for Caucasian individuals who are female.

Research - Camera Angles

Camera Angles

There are 10 well- known camera angles utilized in the film and photograph industry. Each angle serves a great purpose and can be identified based upon the perception of the model. I’ll be discussing 6 of those angles and vivid examples. 

1. Beginning with eye level shot, the model is at eye level of the camera and mimics a real life eye contact connection. The effect this provides is neutral, neither superior or inferior, which can provide an easy image to process.

2. A low angle shot frames below the models eye-line forcing the model to tilt their head downward. The effect this provides is a powerful dynamic that portrays a significant image of dominance.

3. High Angle shots showcase an upward shot that force models to look upward and gives off an inferior effect to viewers. This angle also showcases that the viewers are what the models are looking at (or the possible issue) with this angle viewers can see the surroundings of the models.

4. The “Cowboy” shot or Hip level shot showcases a roughly waist high shot in which the subject is seated or stands. This shows the subject side profile and caters more to the surrounds and what it is to look from the outside in rather than living in the moment. It can be called the “Cowboy” shot because emphasis on what is on the waist such as a badge or holster is vividly seen.

5. Long shot camera angles are angles that are purposeful for its view of a “stage” this shot does not usually include a model but more so a landscape of a specific scenery.

6. Close up shots are seen mainly in animal magazines. These shots depict a specific feature of a models facial features to show their “alertness”. This is an abstract choice for camera shots being that the model is no longer the priority but the actual feature that the image is on takes the lead.

Source - google search of camera angles

Research - Designs of a Magazine

Designs of a Magazine 

Utilizing PARENTS magazine as an example, this format is one that is typical but has components within it which creates a sense of diversity. Those components consist of the masthead being beneath  the image on the cover page. Usually in other magazines the masthead will be sectioned away from images. Additionally, the cover image itself is a homosexual family which has not been entirely accepted in the magazine industry until the publication of “ONE” the first ever homosexual magazine organization; This component of adding images of families that have never been socially accepted is what I plan to pursue through this magazine composition process. Furthermore, creating a color scheme that is vibrant and expressive yet minimalist when it comes to tools and props that I plan to use in my images. Another factor of Parents magazine that adds a unique aspect is the set up itself. The image seems very natural, live, and in action; Nothing was strategically placed or tampered with too much so I will take into consideration how free the details of the cover page appears and take that with me throughout my design procedure. 

This is a rough draft drawn example of my possible magazine cover. Although this draft is quite 
difficult to understand based on the drawings alone, once the images and proper information is placed everything will be seen clearly. 


Ohana Audience Profile

 Audience Profile

This Prezi presentation provides information into magazine factors that affect it's overall audience. This presentation also includes vital magazine information such as content, age & gender, and more that showcases how those factors fit into my specific magazine topic. 

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Mood board

Mood board 

Mood board involving homosexual parents and their children. 
Mood board involving heterosexual parents and their children. 

    Mood board creating was actually very fun to do. Experimenting with the Canva platform allowed me to discover a possible aesthetic direction towards my magazine. I utilized both hetero- and homo-sexual families because I appreciated the aesthetic that each group brought forth. This being unity and comfort almost like a meal after a long day of labor.


Friday, January 8, 2021

Preliminary - Feature Writing Practice

Feature Writing Practice

Feature Story"Someone called 18 people in the city last night. The caller identified himself as the president of Rutherford Ford, Inc., 2780 Doss Boulevard. He told each of the people that they had just won a new car from his dealership. Interviewed by reporters today, most of the people who received the calls said that at first they just couldn't believe it. And they were right. They couldn't. The person who called was a prankster, and Allen Rutherford, president of the dealership, says he has no idea who placed he calls, and that he's spending all his time today trying to explain the situation to those 18 people. "Someone apparently has a sick idea of humor," Rutherford said. After convincing people they had won a new car, the caller asked them to drop by the dealership this morning to pick it up. All 18 were there when the dealership opened its doors at 9 a.m. "I told them we never offered to give away a car," Rutherford said. "One woman told me she couldn't believe she'd won, and then she told me she couldn't believe it when I told her she hadn't. Two other women began to cry, and a man is threatening to sue me."

My Practice- From shouts and chants of joy to cries of disappoint and anger of people receiving calls stating that they just won a new car from the president of Rutherford Ford, a well known car dealership in Doss Boulevard. The excitement yet confusion received from the winning contestants were reported and each of the 18 individuals discovered that Allen Rutherford was the actual president of the dealership and a completely different human from the one they spoke with on the phone. Allen knew nothing about the phone calls and urged the 18 individuals involved to refrain from moving forward in the process of the "president" they spoke with. The interesting part of this story is as the 18 individuals made it to the dealership, Allen was the one who discovered there reasoning for arriving at that very moment. Unaware of everything involving his business, Allen was left to suffer with the consequences of the betrayed "car winners'. Allen goes further to state the reactions of the individual like their tears, anger, and legal threats. All in all, this story has taken Doss and other car dealerships by storm who knows who "President of Pranks" next target could be.