Reflection - Feature Story
Plan - The plan that I had for my feature story would involve someone who has experience a significant element within their childhood. This personal experience would tie into their upbringing and how they were raised. I did not have an ideal person in mind but did have an ideal story, thankfully I was able to received that in a different fashion than I expected which came out better than my original idea. I began with a few directed open -ended questions that would cause for more elaboration. ( I also knew I had to construct questions as I continued to conversate with my interviewee)
Process - Being that a global pandemic is taking place I have to work with the conditions that I am in. This meant that my interview took place during a facetime call. I scheduled a facetime on an available day and time for the both of us and had pre-planned questions (That can be found in another blog) prepared for this interview. Destiny Felton was the person that I interviewed and she was fully pre-pared , without being prepared, for the questions. The responses given were far more that I expected and I am glad that I was able to gain them. As Destiny answered questions, I typed in a separate word document her responses as quickly as I could while constructing further questions that I figured would be best to elaborate on based on her previous response.
Outcome - The outcome came out very well. I was able to not only include both personal aspects about her as a child growing up with a mother and cautious and worrisome tendencies but utilize a cool, comical yet traumatizing story to tell it. Personally, the final result is clearly written and tells a story that illustrates mother and daughter behaviors that impact a child upbringing.
If I had to change anything about my feature story I would probably include how this effected Destiny child hood more. I believe I slightly touched on it but should have went a little more in depth being that my magazine is based on the effect of upbringing. Nonetheless, I was able to capture her mothers reaction which adds to a child upbringing because Destiny mother plays a significant role in her life. I think that I was also able to capture the effect of her upbringing based on the reaction to the accident within the story. I don't think I missed the target but I could have gotten closer to the target.
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