Monday, December 28, 2020

Market Research On Magazines

Market Research

Market research can be defined as the action or activity of gathering information about consumers' needs and preferences for a specific task. Market research has to be the most vital factor of the magazine industry in order to truly gain sales. Market research occurs quite often but can be disguised as a simple ad or commercial on television. In order to create many of the well known magazines we see today such as Apple News+ , market research was utilized to gain knowledge about customers' requests and suggestions. Apple is known for their unique phone features and products that have taken the technology industry by storm for 44 years. The product of market research within the Apple company can be found within the updating of their software better known as iOS updates; By making effective changes that are coherent to customers request, this shows that the company is truly dedicated to customers needs. 

Market research strategies are important to receive the full capacity of desired recommendations from consumers. According to spyglass intel, market strategy research can be fulfilled in 5 steps.

    1. 'Defining your objectives/ 2.What do you already know?'- learn the key objectives that will help focus on the research that you need. At times, content creators have progressively received a hunch about ways that they wish to travel with their content but clarification from customers is what solidifies that.

    3. 'What gaps do you need to fulfill' - Gaps are simply missing information that has been received from either polls, market research, or previous reports for the advancements of the magazine. Gaps are also the information that you have received but are unclear about where to properly place them so that the initial theme of the magazine won't be altered or lost in any way.

    4. Build a research plan based on your objectives and the gaps in your knowledge  build a framework for quantitative data for the magazine. This section revolves around data that should be received from individuals who aren't in your small group but are broader.  
                5. Rinse and repeat - Confirm and reconfirm information so that you can insure the information that subscribers have provided; This can be done through questionnaires, advertisement, or research studies.

This is an example of Apple News+ market researching steps 1 & 2. 
Titling information that can be either a hit or miss underneath "Special Issue"
is a note for both the audience and the company to pay close attention to how well this is executed and exploited.
Source -

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