Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Evaluation of Preliminary Task

Evaluation of Preliminary Task


    The creation process of my preliminary task was absolutely amazing to experience being that it allowed me to gain access into the magazine world. I was able to easily come up with a concept and utilize the Canva tools to illustrate that concept as best I could.


    The design of my magazine began with my pictures but more so which pictures I would chose. Once I found those images, I began to think of ways I would illustrate those images to portray babies personality and what colors I would utilize  to enhance those images. I decided on the "Superstar" template from Canva and changed the colors to a minty green color and "Bebas Neue" font; The pair of these two allowed text to be seen clearly and more vibrant. Additionally, changing the filter of the pictures to "street". The "Superstar" template allowed me to have a large image of my topic and have a close-up shot of my model. Furthermore, this template showed the most professionalism and looked like an actual magazine cover page and table of contents. The subheadings were placed on the left bottom of the image so that the image can be seen but the text was still visible based on its color. As far as the table of contents, the style of this correlated with the cover page and continued with the hints of mint green, black and grey on a white background. With 11 pages and 2 images on the table of contents page, I wanted to make sure that it was a minimalistic view.  


    The photography process was a lot easier than expected being that the model was in a "photoshoot mood". Working with babies can be difficult if the baby is cranky or not properly cared for but what better way to care for a baby if their cravings are in the image. The model was eating fresh juicy  oranges in the photos that served as a great prop for the magazine and made the reactions all the more genuine and worthy of a magazine. All three images utilized in the pages portrayed three different reactions, showing just how diverse and expressive babies are.

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