Demographics can be expressed in 3 main categories; Gender, age, and race. These different elements carry their own categories but before we dive into that lets begin with why demographics are important to the sales of magazines. If we go back to the purpose of magazines themselves it’s a way to spread information to an audience that would want to hear it. A demographic which can be defined as study of a population caters to a specific group and what that group interest is in.
Although these allegations can lead to stereotyping, this is how society has categorized these 3 categories. The first is gender, typically women are into anything involving beauty such as makeup, jewelry, cosmetics and well-being. Men are usually into grooming themselves, auto mechanics, pets, and fashion. Age is quite versatile being that there is ,roughly, a magazine for everyone. What is trending most is young-adult to middle aged magazines. These magazines feature the latest fashion trends, social media influencers, and ways to become a better you. Race, however, is the bow that ties everything together. Race is the most dominant of all three being that race involves age and gender. Being updated with your culture is what is most important in society today, things that you might have never considered practicing before are now being brought to light and suddenly you are a part of the tribe.
Odell Beckham, an inspiration to young athletes globally is on the cover of GQ Magazine as an example of their demographic but also a n attraction to genders being that he has been on display as an attractive male figure in other magazine articles. At times playing with the eyes of the audience attracts subscribers. |
An example of demographics is the highly credible GQ magazine. According to the magazine, “ a readership of intelligent, affluent, educated men who appreciate genuine quality in both fashion and journalism.” is their targeted demographic. Now although women might not fit this category, there will still be information in there that can be utilized by them. Demographics are also helpful for the customer as well because you are able to choose a magazine that caters to you and you alone, time won’t be wasted looking through a magazine that does not relate to you. But how can you know all this information before purchasing a magazine? The main factor that attracts a certain audience is the Masthead and the sell-line. These two factors are vital in magazine publishing because the title says a lot about the magazine and is usually what people will look at first. If the title involves a key word utilized or related to a demographic, that is that magazine's way of spotlighting it.
Jennifer Lopez, a female icon and inspiration to many is seen on the cover of a male target magazine. What message does this display about GQ? Demographics can be expressed in more than one way despite what it might look like. Yes men are the target but, men who like women will see the female close shot cover page and gravitate towards the magazine all the more just to explore all the magazine offers. Not to mention the subheadings are still featuring men related topics. Source -
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